This is the place where you as a Telavox customer can find information regarding how your personal data is cared for by Telavox and how Telavox works to be compliant with GDPR. Please note that this page will be updated with new information continuously.

Information about Telavox’s sub-processors is available here.

What is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an EU regulation designed to strengthen the protection of EU residents’ personal data and unify regulation across the member countries. Much is similar from precursor laws, such as PuL (Personuppgiftslagen) in Sweden, but GDPR takes a firmer grip on the rights of the individuals of which data is being processed and provide greater transparency regarding regulation compliance.

Why does Telavox process your personal data?

We process personal data on behalf of our customers in order to deliver, support and fulfil our responsibilities as your communications provider, as defined by our service agreement, and nothing else.

What is the relation between you as a customer and Telavox?

Telavox is your Data Processor which means that we process your personal data on our customers’ behalf only for the purposes of providing Telavox’s services. The customers are therefore considered the Data Controller, and GDPR dictates that each Data Controller must have a signed Data Processing Agreement (DPA) in place with its Data Processors. To make things a bit easier for our customers, we have developed a DPA that you can use directly with us.

Telavox responsibilities regarding GDPR

At Telavox, we have always been committed to protecting the personal data that we process. You can read more on how we work and how we take care of your personal data using the headlines to the left.